Over 35 years of experience
Benefit from over 35 years of professional experience.
Before buying a property, we discover the weak points for you and determine the possible repair costs.
Benefit from over 35 years of professional experience.
German, English, Portuguese-speaking qualified personnel.
All work with fixed price and up to 5 years warranty.
Through the exact diagnosis and analysis of the problems we are able to ensure good indoor climate, living comfort and increase in value of your property. Furthermore, we extend the renovation intervals.
In facade renovation we work with the most renowned European manufacturers of surface coatings for southern climates.
In the field of building sealing we are the general importer and contractual partner of BKM Mannesmann AG for Portugal.
Through long-standing partnerships with other specialist companies of all kinds that have been present on the Portuguese market for a long time, we are able to provide support in the resolution of virtually all their problems.